Description | Pancake Arborvitae (T. occidentalis Concesarini) is a dwarf, slow growing, mounding, evergreen shrub with deep sage green foliage turning to blue green in cooler weather.. |
Plant Type | Shrubs Coniferous, Dwarf Conifers |
Sunlight | full, mostly sunny |
Moisture | average, resents overly dry |
Soil & Site | average, not overly dry |
Leaves | evergreen, soft needle-like, sage green turning to blue green in cooler weather |
Dimensions | 12-18 by 36 inches (HS), mounding |
Maintenance | very little pruning is needed |
Propagation | PP24013, cuttings |
Cultivar Origin | found as a whole plant mutation of the Linesville variety of Arborvitae, West Grove, Pa., U.S.A., Gabriel Cesarini 2011 |