An extremely popular plant grown for its medicinal uses. The thick gelatinous sap is used as a topical salve to heal burns, insect bites, rashes, etc.
Plant Type
All Plants, Succulents
Grows best in full to bright light. In low light it will become lanky and lose it's natural form.
Let the plant dry out between watering. It can withstand under watering but is not as tolerant of over watering.
Growing Media
The easiest way to avoid over watering this plant is to use a well drained growing media. Commercial mixes that are labeled for cactus and succulent plants all will work.
This plant grows best in warmer sites. It will tolerate temperatures up into the low hundreds. The top will be killed in freezing temperatures but the roots will remain alive as long as the soil or growing media isn't frozen.
The flowers are orange to yellow, tubular (1-1.5") on an inflorescence. It is shy to flower in the house.
The pale green leaves are very succulent, flecked with white and have soft spines on the margins. The leaf is composed of a thick gelatinous sap. The plant forms clumps with many offsets.
Will become a large plant if grown outdoors in a frost free area.
If given good growing conditions it may need division and repoting on a regular basis.
Very easy from division, also from seeds.
Native Site
Indigenous to East and South Africa, Canary Islands, Cape Verde Island, etc
Misc Facts
Aloe vera produces at least 6 antiseptic agents, three anti-inflammatory fatty acids and at least 23 polypeptides (immune stimulators). Truly "Mother Natures" cure all. Widely used in creams, lotions, shampoos, etc. Mention of this plant has been found as early as 2200 B.C.
Author's Notes
I would guess that Aloe vera would be listed in the top ten for most recognizable plants. Extremely easy to grow and keep alive as long as it is given good light and not over watered