Family: Boraginaceae

Scientific Name: Pulmonaria longifolia Diana Clare

Common Name: Diana Clare Pulmonaria


Diana Clare Pulmonaria (Pulmonaria longifolia) has silvey white foliage along with blue violet flowers makes a nice plant for the shaded area of the garden.

Plant TypePerennials Hardy, Site author's observations
Hardiness Zone4-8
Sunlightpartial sun, shaded, can take a bit more light if given supplemental water
Moistureaverage, moist, avoid dry
Soil & Siteaverage, moist, avoid dry
Flowersviolet blue, funnel shaped, borne in terminal clusters (drooping cymes)
Leaveslance shaped, long petioles, silvery white or silvery green, will scorch in the full sun
Dimensions10-12 inches
Maintenancethey will reseed jumping around the garden
Cultivar OriginBob Brown in 1995 at his UK nursery, named after his wife
Misc FactsPulmonary is derived from pulmno or lung.. aka: Diana Clare Lungwort
Author's NotesThe secret to growing Pulmonary is partial shade and moist soils. In full sun or dry soils the foliage deteriorates as the summer progresses.
Notes & Reference#04-Herbaceous Perennial Plants (Allan Armitage), #116-Pulmonarias and The Borage Family (Masha Bennit)
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