Description | Agastache Blue Boa is improved over similar varieties of Agastache. Being shorter, more compact and dark colored flowers. |
Pronunciation | (ag-ah-STAK-ee) |
Plant Type | Perennials Hardy |
Hardiness Zone | 6-10 |
Sunlight | full |
Moisture | average, moist |
Soil & Site | average, moist, avoid dry, needs to be well drained |
Temperature | tolerates heat |
Flowers | deep violet blue, spike has 8-12 false whorls, fragrant |
Fruit | 4 black nutlets |
Leaves | aromatic |
Stems | square stems, green, will turn brown if they become woody-like |
Roots | fibrous |
Dimensions | 24-32" by 18-24" (HS) |
Propagation | PP 24,050, cuttings |
Cultivar Origin | Harini Korlipara, Terra Nova Nurseries, Inc., Oregon USA |
Misc Facts | "Genus name comes from the Greek words agan meaning very much and stachys meaning an ear of wheat in reference to the flower spikes" (#144) AKA: Agastache Blue Boa, Hyssop Blue Boa, Anise Hyssop Blue Boa, Hummingbird Mint Blue Boa |
Notes & Reference | #04-Herbaceous Perennial Plants (Allan Armitage), #40-Herbaceous Ornamental Plants (Steven Stills), #144-Missouri Botanical Gardens website ( |