Description | Dragon Heart Geranium has magenta colored flowers with black centers and red veining. A larger sprawling hardy Geranium. |
Plant Type | Perennials Hardy |
Hardiness Zone | 5-9 |
Sunlight | full, mostly sunny, some shade especially in hotter climates, I have seen it growing in areas with a good amount of shade |
Moisture | average |
Soil & Site | average |
Flowers | 2-3 inches, magenta with black centers and red veining |
Leaves | green, lobed |
Dimensions | 12-16 by 24 plus inches (HS), sprawling |
Propagation | division |
Cultivar Origin | Hydrid of Alan Bremner, Fairweather Nursery UK (G psilostemon x G x oxonianum) (#234) |
Misc Facts | Genus name comes from the Greek word geranos meaning crane in reference to the fruit which purportedly resembles the head and beak of a crane |
Author's Notes | I have seen this plant growing many times in Botanical Gardens. The flowers are impressive. Seems to need some shade in the heat of the summer or hotter climates |
Notes & Reference | #144-Missouri Botanical Gardens web site (, #234-Plant Lovers Guide to Hardy Geraniums (Robin Parer) |