Family: Begoniaceae

Scientific Name: Begonia x benariensis Big series

Common Name: Big series Begonias

DescriptionAn interspecies hybrid plant. Available in the following leaf and flower color cultivars: Pink Green Leaf, Red Bronze Leaf, Red Green Leaf, Rose Bronze Leaf and Rose Green Leaf.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Perennial Tender
Hardiness Zone(9)10-11, other wise grown as an annual
Sunlightfull, mostly sunny, shaded, probably best with good sun, bronze leaves will be darker in full sun
Moistureaverage, tolerates some dryness
Soil & Siteaverage
Growing Mediaaverage outdoor mix
Flowersrose, red and pink depending on the cultivar
Leavesgreen to bronze depending on the cultivar
Dimensions12-18 by 12 plus inches (HS), larger heights reached in the warmer hardiness zones
Maintenancereported to be self cleaning
Propagationall varieties have plant patents
Native SiteBig Begonia web site
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