Family: Caprifoliaceae

Scientific Name: Lonicera x heckrotti

Common Name: Everblooming Honeysuckle

DescriptionAccording to the plant label, this is straight Heckrotti, not a selection. Was growing at very reputible botanical garden.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Vines
Hardiness Zone5-9
Sunlightfull, will tolerate some shade but for me shaded plants produce less flowers
Soil & Siteaverage
Flowerspink outside, yellow inside, fragrant
Leavesopposite, connate (two leaves fused together at the base)
Stemsscandent (climbing without the use of a holdfast structure)
Maintenancecan be cut back hard if it gets out of hand, cut back after flowering, gets heavy so the support must be sturdy
Misc FactsLonicera: named for Adam Lonitzer (1528-1586), a German herbalist, physician and botanist who wrote a standard herbal text that was reprinted many times between 1557 and 1783.
Author's NotesMant sources list Lonicera x Heckrotti as GoldFlame but than others list Goldflame as a selection of Lonicera x Heckrotti. (#62 & #144)
Notes & Reference#62-Manual of Climbers and Wall Plants (J K Burras, Mark Griffiths), #144-Missouri Botanical Gardens web site (, #150- Armitages Vines and Climbers (Alan Armitage)
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