Family: Rosaceae

Common Name: Aruncus Misty Lace, Misty Lace Goat's Beard

DescriptionA compact Goats beard, reaching only about 1/3 the size of the species Aruncus dioicus
Plant TypeAll Plants, Perennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone4-7
Moistureprefers moist but will tolerate average conditions, avoid dry
Soil & Siteprefers moist but will tolerate average conditions, avoid dry
Flowersprefers moist but will tolerate average conditions, avoid dry
Leavesgreen, bi or tripinnately compound
Dimensions1.5-2 feet with equal spread
Maintenancevery little
PropagationU. S. Plant Patent PP15,798, June 14, 2005, division
Cultivar OriginOriginated at Bluemont Nursery (USA) Was developed by Allan Armitage of the University of Georgia. A hybrid between Aruncus dioicus and Aruncus aethusifolius.
Author's NotesHaving grown the species and few cultivars of Aruncus, I have found the secrete is good moist soil and partial shade.
Notes & Reference#04-Herbaceous Perennial Plants (Allan Armitage) , #144-Missouri Botanical Gardens web site (
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