Red Beauty has gray green leaves with burgundy red mid ribs and veins.
Plant Type
All Plants, Ferns - Hardy
Hardiness Zone
best foliage color with some sun, best grown in partial shade to shade, easily scorches in the hot dry sun
moist, average, avoid dry sites
Soil & Site
aveage, humusy
non-flowering, reproduce by spores through alternation of generaton
fronds are soft grayish green, silver hues, burgundy mid rib and veins
1-1.5 by 1-1.5 feet (HS)
Genus name comes from Greek athyros meaning doorless in reference to the slowly opening hinged indusia (spore covers).
division, will show a degree of variation in colors when grown from spores
Native Site
Native to China, Korea, Taiwan and Japan
Misc Facts
Genus name comes from Greek athyros meaning doorless in reference to the slowly opening hinged indusia (spore covers).
Author's Notes
I have seen many plantings of various cultivars of the Japanese Painted Fern. One thing is evident. They look vary different depending on the growing site, and time of year. Some seem to revert or reseed back to one of their original parents. Secret to growing these: moist, humusy soil, some dappled sun and avoid dry.
Notes & Reference
#144-Missouri Botanical Gardens web site (, #217-Chicago Botanic Garden (, #228-Encyclopedia of Garden Ferns (Sue Olsen)