Description | Olga Mezitt Rhododendron (Rhododendron) A very florific flowering small to medium-sized Rhododendron. |
Plant Type | Broadleaf evergreen, Site author's observations |
Hardiness Zone | (5)6 |
Sunlight | morning sun at most, afternoon shade, part sun |
Moisture | average, moist |
Soil & Site | well drained, acidic ph, humusy |
Growing Media | Flower openly to tubular funnel-shaped, wavy lobes, 1½" across, light purplish-pink with inconspicuous gold-green blotch that ages to reddish-brown. Dome-shaped trusses of about 12 flowers. |
Temperature | cold hardy to -15 F |
Flowers | tubular funnel-shaped, pink, borne in a dome shaped truss |
Leaves | 2" long, green, winter yellow-green with mahogany |
Dimensions | 3 by 3 feet or larger (HS). domed shape |
Maintenance | I like digging a large hole, not too deep, and mixing the soil with 50% peat moss, compost, or other organic material—plant in a slight mound for good drainage. Add a cup or two of Ammonia sulfate (or any additional acid-producing fertilizer) and some regular fertilizer. Mulch will help to slow down the loss of water. I like to add acid fertilizer in the fall and spring. Also, you can use a liquid acid fertilizer such as Mir-acid. Any pruning should be done right after flowering |
Cultivar Origin | Hybridized by Weston |
Misc Facts | Genus name comes from the Greek words rhodo meaning rose and dendron meaning tree. Transferred from the Greek name for Nerium oleander. |
Author's Notes | When this plant is in full bloom it is a "show stopper". |
Notes & Reference | American Rhododendron web site |