evergreen, green, shiny on top, downy on underside
5 by 5 feet (HS)
I have had success growing Rhododendrons by digging the hole 2 times larger than is needed. Taking the soil and mixing it 50-50 with peat moss or other organic material. Plant it above grade to provide for good drainage. At planting time I give it a dose of soil sulfur. Always mulch the plant with organic mulch (preferably one that creates and acid soil conditions). This helps add organic matter to the soil as it rots and helps to maintain the soil moisture. Any pruning should be done after flowering.
Cultivar Origin
'Hellikki' was named after the mother of its breeder, Marjatta Uosukainen.
Misc Facts
Genus name comes from the Greek words rhodo meaning rose and dendron meaning tree. Transferred from the Greek name for Nerium oleander.