Family: Rosaceae

Scientific Name: Sorbaria sorbifolia

Common Name: False Spirea, Ural False Spirea

DescriptionFalse Spirea is not a tidy little shrub. More of a brute. Needs room to spread. Never plant near the foundation of the home.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Shrubs Deciduous
Hardiness Zone2-7
Sunlightfull, mostly sunny, I watched a large aggressive hillside planting grow in partial shade
Soil & Siteaverage
Flowerscreamy white panicles, mid summer
Leavespinnately compound, green, bronze color when emerging
Dimensionslisted as 5-10 feet tall, the once I have observed were more on the 5-6 foot size, spread just about forever
MaintenanceA a garden center that I worked at, the plants were cut flush to the ground and quickly recovered. Spread can be controlled by cutting and digging out leading root suckers.
Propagationdivision of suckers
Native SiteEastern Siberia, Manchuria, northern China, Korea, Japan
Notes & Reference#01-Manual of Woody Landscape Plants (Michael Dirr), #144-Missouri Botanical Gardens web site (
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