Family: Pinaceae
Scientific Name: Larix decidua Puli
Common Name: Puli European larch
Description | A ground cover European Larch that can be trained to a weeping form. |
Pronunciation | (LAR-iks) |
Plant Type | All Plants, Dwarf Conifers |
Hardiness Zone | 3 |
Sunlight | full |
Moisture | average, moist |
Soil & Site | average |
Leaves | needles, light green in spring, green in summer, yellow in fall, soft and lacy especially in the spring |
Dimensions | 15 plus feet tall, grows as tall as it is staked than weeps |
Native Site | Species native to northern and central Europe |
Cultivar Origin | seedling selected by Józsa Miklós, Szombathely, Hungary, mid 1990s |
Misc Facts | Cultivar name Puli is derived from a Hungarian breed of dog which has curly hair that drops straight down. |
Notes & Reference | #202-American Conifer Society ( |
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