Family: Pinaceae

Scientific Name: Larix decidua Puli

Common Name: Puli European larch

DescriptionA ground cover European Larch that can be trained to a weeping form.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Dwarf Conifers
Hardiness Zone3
Moistureaverage, moist
Soil & Siteaverage
Leavesneedles, light green in spring, green in summer, yellow in fall, soft and lacy especially in the spring
Dimensions15 plus feet tall, grows as tall as it is staked than weeps
Native SiteSpecies native to northern and central Europe
Cultivar Originseedling selected by Józsa Miklós, Szombathely, Hungary, mid 1990s
Misc FactsCultivar name Puli is derived from a Hungarian breed of dog which has curly hair that drops straight down.
Notes & Reference#202-American Conifer Society (
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