Family: Violaceae

Scientific Name: Viola sororia Freckles

Common Name: Freckles Common Wood Violet

DescriptionA form of the common Wood Violet with speckles of blue/violet in the petals. Many consider this just a variation of Viola soronia. In my garden they grow among the Common Wood Violet.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Wild Flowers
Hardiness Zone4
Sunlightfull to shaded depending on the moisture
Moistureaverage, best in moist
Soil & Siteaverage, best in moist
Flowerswhite with bluish freckles, one per scape (flower stalk), end of April through May in my gardens
Leavesgreen, heart shaped, rounded teeth, emerge directly from the plants rhizome
Dimensions4 inches high, 6 inches or greater in spread
Propagationeasy by division, seeds
Misc Facts#100-Wildflowers of Wisconsin and the Upper Midwest (Merel Black and Emmet Judziewicz), #153-Illinois Wild Flowers (, #218-Flora of Wisconsin (
Author's NotesI have a patch of this plant growing in the lawn by my vegetable garden. I cut over the plants with the lawn mower blade set at higher than 3". I don't cut when they are blooming. Freckles and the other Viola don't seem to mind this and come back each year.
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