Family: Bromeliaceae

Scientific Name: Vriesea splendens

Common Name: Flaming Sword

DescriptionAn easy to grow Bromeliad that has interesting foliage and a large spike that lasts for a long period of time.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Indoor Foliage
Hardiness Zonetropical
Sunlightlow to medium
MoistureKeep the funnel full of water and the media evenly moist. It dislikes wet roots. Likes higher humidity.
Growing Mediaephyphytic, must be well drained
Temperatureaverage house to average house plus, not hot
FlowersThe colorful large spike is made up of overlapping bracts usually yellow orange or red. Flowers are small and yellow tucked in under the bracts
Fruitdry capsules that split open to release an achene with a parachute (pappus) to float in the air
Leavesolive green and banded, forms a rosette of leaves
Dimensionsheight of flower spike 24 plus inches
Misc FactsNamed after Dr. W. De Vriese a professor of Botany. Native to tropical Guyana and tropical Central and South America.
Author's NotesThese are one of my favorite Bromeliads. Because it has a long floral stem, the inflorescence is usually elevated away from the base.
Notes & Reference#02-Exotic Plant Manual (Alfred Byrd Graf), #18-Houseplant Encyclopedia (Nico Vermeulen)
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