Family: Bromeliaceae
Scientific Name: Vriesea splendens
Common Name: Flaming Sword
Description | An easy to grow Bromeliad that has interesting foliage and a large spike that lasts for a long period of time. |
Pronunciation | (VREE-zee-uh) |
Plant Type | All Plants, Indoor Foliage |
Hardiness Zone | tropical |
Sunlight | low to medium |
Moisture | Keep the funnel full of water and the media evenly moist. It dislikes wet roots. Likes higher humidity. |
Growing Media | ephyphytic, must be well drained |
Temperature | average house to average house plus, not hot |
Flowers | The colorful large spike is made up of overlapping bracts usually yellow orange or red. Flowers are small and yellow tucked in under the bracts |
Fruit | dry capsules that split open to release an achene with a parachute (pappus) to float in the air |
Leaves | olive green and banded, forms a rosette of leaves |
Dimensions | height of flower spike 24 plus inches |
Propagation | division |
Misc Facts | Named after Dr. W. De Vriese a professor of Botany. Native to tropical Guyana and tropical Central and South America. |
Author's Notes | These are one of my favorite Bromeliads. Because it has a long floral stem, the inflorescence is usually elevated away from the base. |
Notes & Reference | #02-Exotic Plant Manual (Alfred Byrd Graf), #18-Houseplant Encyclopedia (Nico Vermeulen) |
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