Family: Plantaginaceae

Common Name: Rock Candy Penstemon


Rocky Candy Penstemon is a compact plant with spikes of bright colored flowers.  Come in pink, red and violet or purple. This section contains images from the site authors garden.

Plant TypePerennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone(5)6-9
Sunlightfull, at least 1/2 day
Moistureaverage, drought tolerant once established, additional water increases the flower production
Soil & Sitewell drained
Flowerspink, purple and red, trumpet shaped, white throat
Leavesglossy, narrow, green
Dimensions12-15 by 10-12 inches (HS)
Maintenancemay need to be staked, cut back after flowering to get a fuller plant
Cultivar Origindeveloped by Bruce Meters
Author's NotesI planted 3 in my garden in the late summer of 2015. All over wintered in 2016 and 17 but did not make it the next year.
Notes & ReferenceHigh Country Gardens web site (
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