Family: Poaceae
Scientific Name: Panicum virgatum Thundercloud
Common Name: Thundercloud Switch Grass
Description | A large Switch grass reaching over 7 feet tall. |
Pronunciation | (PAN-ih-kum)(veer-GAH-tum) |
Plant Type | All Plants, Grass Ornamental |
Hardiness Zone | 4-9 |
Sunlight | full |
Moisture | average, tolerates dryness once established |
Soil & Site | average, dry once established |
Flowers | large crown of airy, open panicles |
Leaves | blue-green, amber reddish in the fall |
Dimensions | 7-8 feet tall, upright vase shaped |
Maintenance | cut back to the ground in the spring before new growth appears |
Propagation | division (PP20665) |
Native Site | Panicums are North American native Prairie grasses. |
Cultivar Origin | Gary Trucks of Amber Wave Gardens, Michigan USA. |
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