A native USA Rhododendron with a wide range of flower colors and hardiness to zone #5.
Plant Type
All Plants, Shrubs Deciduous
Hardiness Zone
full, mostly sunny, dappled shade
average, moist
Soil & Site
humus-rich acidic soil (pH 4.5 to 5.5)
does not like heat
lasts for over 2 weeks, color:orange, yellow, bicolor, reds, blends, etc
4-8 by 4-8 feet (HS) or larger
semi-ripe cuttings in late summer or autumn, layering
Native Site
Appalachian Mountains, eastern USA
Cultivar Origin
William Bartram was one of the first to describe this plant after seeing them growing on the hillsides in West Georgia (USA) in about 1774.
Misc Facts
I have had success growing Rhododendrons by digging the hole 2 times larger than is needed. Taking the soil and mixing it 50-50 with peat moss. Plant it above grade to provide for good drainage. At planting time I give it a dose of soil sulfur. Always mulch the plant with organic mulch (preferably one that creates and acid soil conditions). This helps add organic matter to the soil as it rots and helps to maintain the soil moisture. Any pruning should be done after flowering.