Family: Asteraceae

Common Name: Swizzle series Zinnia

DescriptionA series of bicolored Zinnias having concentric circles of different colors.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Annuals
Soil & Siteaverage
Flowerscolors: scarlet and yellow, cherry and Ivory
Dimensions10-12 by 10-12 inches (HS)
Maintenancedead heading, prevent mildew by watering when the leaves have a chance to dry before night fall
PropagationVery easy to grow from seed and can be directed seeded into the garden. When starting indoors plant 3-4 weeks before the date they are to be set outdoors. The taller varieties are best started by the gardener. Bedding plants that are purchased in packs which are tall and lanky with a flower don't make good transplants. Zinnia are best planted green.
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