Family: Labiatae

Scientific Name: Glechoma hederaceae

Common Name: Ground Ivy, Creeping Charlie


Creeping Charlie (Glechoma hederacea) is a plant that goes by many names. When it gets into a person's lawn it goes by many off-color names that I can't print. Difficult to eradicate.

Plant TypeAll Plants, Weeds
Sunlightprefers shade, but it will grow in the full sun, just not as aggressive.
Moistureprefers moist, average
Soil & Siteaverage
Flowerssmall light blue to purple, in axillary clusters
Leavesgreen, simple, aromatic when crushed, scallop or crenate edges
Stemslong creeping stems, root at each node, square
DimensionsIt can form a impenetrable mat of foliage, especially in moist shaded spots.
MaintenanceBecause of its ability to root at each node it can be difficult plants to get out of the lawn. In one garden I maintain this is a problem plant. I have got it under control through persistent and selective pulling.
Propagationseeds, division
Native SiteEurasian import
Misc FactsFrench used this plant to flavor beer. AKA: Gill-over-the-ground
Author's NotesOne of the hardest weeds to control in the lawn. Needs to be hit with a herbicide more than once. Very early to appear in the spring and lasts late into the fall.
Notes & Reference#19-Common Weeds ( USDA Agricultural Research Service)
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