Family: Rosaceae

Scientific Name: Aruncus dioicus Kneiffi

Common Name: Goat's Beard

DescriptionA much shorter version of the Goat's Beard making it better for smaller areas. Produces the typical plume-like, creamy white panicles.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Perennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone3-7
Sunlightbest in the semi-shade, tolerates deeper shade, does not like the full sun
Moistureprefers moist conditions, suffers in dry sites.
Soil & Siteaverage to moist
FlowersLarge compound panicles made up of hundreds of tiny white five petaled flowers. Both male and female flowers on separate plants. Males are showier. Blooms mid June for about 2-3 weeks. Flowers dry to a tan or light brown
Leavesbi or tripinnate, not as full as the larger species
Dimensions24-30 by 12-18 inches (HS)
Author's NotesI have used this plant and find it totally hardy to zone five. As mentioned above it is not as showy as the larger version so I would group two or three plants 18" on center to create a better affect.
Notes & Reference#04-Herbaceous Perennial Plants (Allan Armitage), #06-Perennials for the American Gardens (Ruth Rodgers Clausen and Nicolas H Ekstrom)
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