Family: Papaveraceae

Scientific Name: Papaver nudicaule Spring Fever series

Common Name: Spring Fever Iceland Poppy series

DescriptionA series of Iceland Poppy that forms multiple groups of flowering.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Perennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone2-7
Moistureaverage, dry during dormancy
Soil & Siteaverage, well drained
Temperaturegrows best in the colder end of it's hardiness zone, can't tolerate heat and humidity
Flowerswhite, yellow, orange, red, silky crepe paper textured
Fruitseed pods
Leavesforms a rosette of gray green leaves, goes dormant in mid summer and reappears in the fall
Stemsstemless ( acaulescent, acauline )
Dimensions12 plus inches
Maintenancewill reseed
Propagationdivision, root cuttings, hybrid plants may not come true by seed
Native Sitespecies plant from sub arctic regions
Notes & Reference#04-Herbaceous Perennial Plants (Allan Armitage)
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