Family: Cactaceae

Scientific Name: Echinopsis huascha var rubriflorus

Common Name: Red Torch Cactus Variety

DescriptionA variety of the Red Torch Cactus with pinkish red flowers.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Cactus
Hardiness Zone9-11
Moistureaverage, dry
Soil & Siteaverage, well drained
Growing Mediawell drained, Cactus and succulent mix
Flowersfunnel shaped, pinkish red
Leaves2-3 long central spines with smaller radial spines
Stemscovered with spines
Dimensions2-3 feet, basal branching
Propagationseeds, stem cuttings
Native SiteArgentia, species plant
Misc Facts(syn. Trichocereus huascha var rubriflorus, Helianthocereus huascha var rubriflorus)
Author's NotesI always consult the book Cactus Lexicon by Curt Backeberg about the taxonomy of Cactus. When I was involved in growing these plants this was the source. Of course this was 35 years ago. Backeberg changed the genus from Trichocereus to Helianthocereus. Now it is listed as Echinopsis plus a plethora of other names????????
Notes & Reference#15-Cactus Lexicon (Backeberg)
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