A tropical plant that is commonly used in combination with flowering annuals in outdoor pots and sometimes in gardens. Also can be grown as a colorful indoor plant.
Plant Type
All Plants, Perennial Tender
Hardiness Zone
full, mostly sunny, some shade
average, avoid dry
Soil & Site
Growing Media
average patio mix
pale lilac inflorescence, in zone 5 cordyline has flowered for me in the greenhouse but never outdoors
burgundy to red depending on the amount of sun, some what lax
2-3 by 2-3 feet (HS)
has strong apical dominance, cutting back the plant will promote branching
PP14224, tip cuttings or stem section cuttings either stuck vertical with correct orientation or laid on it's side, helps to let the cut callus
Native Site
New Zealand
Cultivar Origin
Cordyline 'Jurred' was developed by Felix M. Jury and Mark C. Jury, in Taranaki, New Zealand (Cordyline australis x C. banksii x C. pumilo)
Author's Notes
In zone #5 it can be grown as a patio plant than overwintered in a bright window.
Notes & Reference
#156-San Marcos Growers web site (www.smgrowers.com)