Description | Sedum ellacombianum forms a dense carpet forming with vibrant green foliage and yellow flowers. |
Plant Type | Perennials Hardy, Site author's observations |
Hardiness Zone | 3-8 |
Sunlight | full to part sun |
Moisture | average, tolerates dry |
Soil & Site | average, tolerates dry |
Flowers | yellow, early to mid June |
Fruit | orange fruit |
Leaves | green |
Dimensions | 6 inches, will trail over a wall |
Maintenance | fast growing but easy to control |
Propagation | easy from cuttings |
Native Site | Native to Hokkaido, Japan. |
Misc Facts | syn. Sedum kamtschaticum var. ellacombianum |
Author's Notes | This is a good tough ground cover plant. Have used it many times, with little or no problems. |
Notes & Reference | #96-Sedum Cultivated Stone Crop (Ray Stephenson), #209-The Plant Lovers Guide to Sedums (Brent Horvath) |