An early spring blooming plant found growing in deciduous forests.
Plant Type
All Plants, Wild Flowers
Hardiness Zone
shaded, spring full sun
average to moist, I have seen them mostly in moist sites
Soil & Site
rich, usually deciduous, woods
5 to 1 inch wide, blue, pink to white, usually 5-11 petal-like sepals, long hairy stalks, many times before the leaves appear
basal, 3 rounded lobes, bronze-green changing to green, can persist through the winter
tufts of fibrous roots
all methods are rather difficult, division in the fall, cold stratified seeds
Native Site
Native to North America.
Author's Notes
An area I frequent in the spring is Martins Woods, a nature conservancy in Big Bend Wisconsin (USA). The Hepatica will form small clumps of flowers many times pushing through the leaves. There are white pink and blue in this moist deciduous forest.
Notes & Reference
#100-Wildflowers of Wisconsin and the Upper Midwest (Merel Black and Emmet Judziewicz), #153-Illinois Wild Flower (