Family: Nyctaginaceae

Scientific Name: Mirabilis jalapha Lime Light

Common Name: Lime Light 4 O' clock Flower

DescriptionA tender perennial grown as annual. Has chartreuse foliage accented with red flowers. A tender perennial grown as an annual.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Perennial Tender
Hardiness Zone8(9-11
Moistureaverage, moist
Soil & Siteaverage, well drained
Flowersred, five lobed corolla flaring at tip, open in late afternoon, close early evening
Fruitseeds dark brown
Leaveslight green, chartreuse, yellow, can have a green/chartreuse marbling of the leaves
Rootsforms tubers
Dimensions2 plus feet
Propagationseeds, soaking helps to promote germination
Native SiteSpecies native to Central America.
Misc FactsMirabilis latin for miracle. Jalapa is the name of the city where it was reported to be found.
Author's NotesFirst observed this plant in August of 2010 and they were mostly in bud. In mid July of 2014 they were at about 25% bloom. This discrepancy seems to be from the size of the plant and when they were set out in the garden. The mid July plants were a bright chartreuse to yellow, stunning!!
Notes & Reference#47-Annuals for the Connoisseurs (Wayne Winterrowd), #144-Missouri Botanical Gardens web site (
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