Family: Fabaceae
Scientific Name: Caesalpinia gilliesii
Common Name: Yellow Bird of Paradise, Desert Bird of Paridise
Description | A tropical shrub that tolerates poor soils. |
Pronunciation | (ses-al-PIN-ee-uh)(gil-EEZ-ee-eye) |
Plant Type | All Plants, Shrubs Deciduous |
Hardiness Zone | 8-11 |
Sunlight | full, part sun, bright shade |
Moisture | average, dry |
Soil & Site | tolerates poor soils, well drained |
Temperature | tolerates heat |
Flowers | large, yellow, long protruding red stamens |
Fruit | green pods turning brown, in terminal clusters |
Leaves | twice pinnately compound, leaflets to 1/4 inch and less, light green, graying with age, |
Stems | without spines, have well defined lenticels |
Dimensions | up to 6 feet in warm climates |
Propagation | seeds |
Native Site | Native to Argentina and Uruguay, but has now naturalized in portions of the Chihuahuan and Sonoran Deserts in close proximity to inhabited areas. |
Misc Facts | Tanins found in seeds are mildly toxic |
Notes & Reference | |
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