Family: Lamiaceae

Common Name: Little Trudy Catmint


Little Trudy Catmint (Nepeta) A small non aggressive Catmint.

Plant TypePerennials Hardy, Site author's observations
Hardiness Zone4-9
Moistureaverage, dry
Soil & Siteaverage, well drained, dry
Flowerslavender, bore on branches stems, end of May early June
Leavesrippled, soft gray, aromatic when crushed
Stemssquare stems
Dimensions8-12 by 18 inches (H-S)
Maintenancecut back after flower or when plant becomes shabby, will than rebloom
Propagationdivision, cuttings
Cultivar OriginBrian Core, Little Valley Wholesale Nursery, Colorado USA
Author's NotesThis has survived 3 winters in my garden. but declined after that. It is the petite little sister to the more brutish members of the Catmints.
Notes & ReferenceLittle Valley Wholesale Nursery web site
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