Family: Taxodiaceae

Scientific Name: Taxus baccata Davidsii

Common Name: Davids English Yew

DescriptionAn upright Yew commonly used for hedges.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Shrubs Coniferous
Hardiness Zone(5)6-9
Sunlightfull, tolerates some shade, not as full and dense as the shade gets deeper
Soil & Siteaverage
Flowersnot ornamental
Fruitred drupe
Leavesdark green, flat needles
Dimensions5-10 plus feet by 5 feet (H-S), upright columnar growth form
MaintenanceVery prunable and easily kept to size. Has at least two growth flushes per season (zone #5). Prune after the new growth hardens. Will recover slowly from hard pruning into old wood
Native SiteSpecies native to Europe, Atlas Mountains, Asia Minor and Caucauses.
Misc FactsGenus name is an old Latin name for yews. Specific epithet means fruit-bearing in reference to the showy red arils.
Notes & Reference#144-Missouri Botanical Gardens web site (, #202-American Conifer Society (
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