Family: Boraginaceae
Scientific Name: Anchusa azurea Dropmore
Common Name: Italian alkanet, Italian Bugloss
Description | A tall heritage perennial with blue flowers. |
Pronunciation | (an-KU-sa)(a-ZUU-ree-ah) |
Plant Type | All Plants, Perennials Hardy |
Hardiness Zone | 3-8 |
Sunlight | full, mostly sunny |
Moisture | average, moist |
Soil & Site | average, moist |
Flowers | blue, 3/4 inch florets, borne in loose racemes |
Leaves | sessile, clasping, green |
Dimensions | 3-4 feet tall, ungainly growth habit |
Maintenance | may need to be staked, reseeds |
Propagation | seeds, cuttings, division, root cuttings |
Native Site | Native to the Mediterranean |
Cultivar Origin | Introduced in 1905. |
Misc Facts | Anchusa from Greek meaning paint for the skin, azurea referring to azure blue. |
Notes & Reference | #40-Herbaceous Ornamental Plants (Steven Stills), #116-Pulmonarias and The Borage Family (Masha Bennit), #164-Heritage Flower Farm ( |
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