Family: Solanaceae

Common Name: Wave Petunia

DescriptionOne of the new generations of Petunia's. Very colorful, producing masses of flowers on long strong stems. Can be used as a ground cover in pots or hanging baskets.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Annuals
Sunlightfull, half day
Soil & Siteaverage
Temperaturetolerates cooler temperatures, lasts late into the fall, properly harden can be planted in early to mid-May in Zone #5
Flowersforms a funnel shaped corolla tube that flares into a broad lip, sits in a calyx consisting of five sepals, 3" flowers, colors: lilac, purple, pink, rose, etc.
Stemsstrong spreading stems
Dimensions6" tall, will spread up to 3'
Maintenancedead heading, occasional pruning, in combinations with other plants they can be aggressive and may need pruning to keep them within bounds
Propagationsmall seeds
Misc FactsPhenomenal plants!!!!
Author's NotesI grew this series of Petunias when they were first available. I couldn't believes how fast they grew. One plant could easily fill a 10-12 inch basket or container. There are now different types of "Wave" plus many other similar varieties like Supertunia, etc.
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