Family: Hydrangeaceae

Scientific Name: Hydrangea arborescens Bounty

Common Name: Hydrangea Bounty

DescriptionA Hydrangea cultivar that is very similar to Annabella. Reported to have have smaller flowers with stronger stems.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Shrubs Deciduous
Hardiness Zone(4)5-9
Sunlightprefers partial, grows nicely in full, survives in varying amounts of shade, the more shade the less the flower production
Moistureaverage, maybe some additional moisture during dry spells
Soil & Siteaverage
Flowerslarge white globular flower heads (mopheads), over 8 inches in diameter; go from green to white to pink to winter brown. Make nice dried flowers. Blooms in July.
Leaveslarge, opposite, dark green, coarse
Stemstwiggy, suckering from the roots, brown
Dimensions4-6 by 4-6 feet,
Maintenancecut flush with the ground in the late fall or early spring
Propagationdivision, cuttings
Notes & Reference#85-Hydrangeas for American Gardens (Michael Dirr) #135-Hydrangea "A Gardner's Guide"(Tonis Lawson Hall, Brian Rothera)
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