Family: Iridaceae
Common Name: Walberton Yellow Crocosmia
Description | A yellow blooming Crocosmia. |
Pronunciation | (kroh-KOZ-mee-uh) |
Plant Type | All Plants, Perennial Tender |
Hardiness Zone | 6-10 |
Sunlight | full, part shade |
Moisture | average, moist |
Soil & Site | average, moist |
Flowers | golden yellow flowers, 8-10 per 3-4' branch, one of the earlier blooming |
Leaves | leaves and stem rather flat, coarse |
Stems | corms are persistent and may form chains |
Dimensions | 18-24 inches |
Maintenance | in cooler zones corms can be dug and stored |
Propagation | corms |
Cultivar Origin | David Tristam of Walberton Nursery, UK, pre-1980 |
Notes & Reference | #129-Crocosmia and Chasmanthe (Peter Goldbatt, John Manning, Gary Dunlop) |
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