Family: Asteraceae

Common Name: Star Clusters Coreopsis

DescriptionLarge white to creamy white flowers. A purple eye will develop at the base of the petals in color weather. Part of the Big Bang series.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Perennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone5
Moistureaverage, tolerates drier conditions once established
Soil & Siteaverage to well drained, can rot in poorly drained soils, especially in the winter
Flowerslarge white, daisy-like, white to light creamy yellow, base of petals turn purple in cool weather
Dimensions18-24 inch by 18-24 inches, upright
Cultivar OriginDarrell Probst, 2012, USA
Author's NotesI have only grown this plant one season and have seen a few in gardens. Doesn't seem to flop like many other Coreopsis.
Notes & ReferenceCoreopsis is derived from Greek corio-(bug)and -opsis (likeness) components with reference to the appearance of the seed.(
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