Description | Princeton Snow Cloud (Prunus sargentii) is a vigorous growing, hardy, white flowering Cherry tree. |
Pronunciation | (PRU-nus)(sar-jen-TEE-i) |
Plant Type | Trees Deciduous |
Hardiness Zone | 4b |
Sunlight | full |
Moisture | average |
Soil & Site | average |
Flowers | white |
Fruit | not significant |
Leaves | bronze tinge in the spring, to olive green, red fall foliage |
Dimensions | greater than 30 to 50 by 18 feet (HS) upright maintaining many of one its parents Prunus sargentii Columnaris growth habits |
Propagation | Patent PP10989, grafting |
Cultivar Origin | William Flemer III of Plainsboro Township, Middlesex County, New Jersey (USA). Discovered in a row of Prunus sargentii seedlings. |
Misc Facts | Genus is named for Charles Sprague Sargent horticulturist and plant hunter. |
Author's Notes | There was not a lot of information on this plant. |
Notes & Reference | Most data was gathered from the United States Patent application for Prunus sargentii Snow Cloud |