Description | Hot Springs Lobelia (Lobelia erinus) A compact Lobelia with blue, pink and white flowers. Lobelia is really a tender perennial grown as an annual. |
Pronunciation | (lo-BEE-li-ah) |
Plant Type | Perennial Tender, Site author's observations |
Hardiness Zone | 9-11 |
Sunlight | full sun, tolerates a little shade |
Moisture | When grown in a garden Lobelia requires average water. In containers Lobelia rapidly fills in a pot and needs to be kept moist or the plant will quickly dry up. Doesn't like to be dry but doesn't like to be water logged. |
Soil & Site | average, well drained |
Growing Media | growing media for containers is best if well drained and moisture retentive |
Temperature | preforms best in the cooler time of the growing season, slows down in hot weather, tolerates rather cold temperatures into the 40 F |
Flowers | fan shaped with two small petals and three broad petals, blue, white, pink, very florific |
Leaves | narrow, green or bronze |
Stems | wiry, much branching forming a tangled web |
Dimensions | 8-14 inches tall, 10-12 spread inches |
Maintenance | may need a light shear in mid summer to promote new foliage and flowers, can be cut back hard if needed. |
Propagation | seeds |
Misc Facts | Genus named after Matthias De L'Obel, an English Botanists. Contains a poison alkaloid called Lobeic acid. |
Author's Notes | The secret to growing Lobelia is well drained, moisture retentive soil, kept evenly moist and cut back when necessary. Hot humid weather poorly drained media spells a mid summer melt down. |
Notes & Reference | #27-Rodale's Annual Gardens (Paul Loewer), #28-Cottage Garden Annuals (Clive Lane), #43-Taylor's Guide to Container Gardening, #109-Annuals and Tender Perennials for North American Gardens (Wayne Winterrowd) |