Family: Rosaceae

Scientific Name: Chaenomeles x speciosa Cameo

Common Name: Cameo Flowering Quince

DescriptionA double peach flowering Flowering Quince.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Shrubs Deciduous
Hardiness Zone4-8
Sunlightfull, some shade
Soil & Siteaverage, develops chlorois on high pH soils
Temperatureflower buds of this plant can be killed by late spring frosts
Flowerspeach color, double, almost two inches, saucer shaped flowers,
Fruitapple shaped, green pome turns to yellow, unpalatable if eaten raw, can be made into preserves, cultivars may not produce an abundance of fruit, many have sterile flowers
Leavessimple, alternate, dark green, lustrous above, glabrous below
Stemstwiggy, spiny
Dimensions4-5 by 4-5 feet
Maintenancecan be cut back hard, flowers borne on year old wood prune after flowering
Native SiteSpecies plant native to Japan and China.
Misc FactsStems can be collected in mid-winter, brought in and forces to bloom. Genus name comes from Greek chainein meaning to split and melea meaning apple in reference to a one time mistaken belief that the fruit produced by this shrub was split into five parts.
Notes & Reference#01-Manual of Woody Landscape Plants (Michael Dirr), #132-Dwarf Shrubs for the Midwest (Rebecca McIntosh Keith, F.F. Giles)), #144-Missouri Botanical Gardens web site (
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