Family: Fabaceae

Scientific Name: Baptisia variicolor Twilight Prairie Blues

Common Name: Twilight Prairie Blues Babtisia, Twilight Prairie Blues False Indigo, Twilite


Twilight Prairie Blues' False Indigo (Baptisia) is a large Baptisia that becomes covered with purple-violet flowers. Grows in slowly expanding clumps with deep and extensive root systems, and prefers not to be disturbed once established.

Plant TypePerennials Hardy, Site author's observations
Hardiness Zone4
SunlightBest in full sun, shaded areas can produce weaker stemmed plants.
Moistureaverage, drought tolerant once established
Soil & Siteaverage
FlowersFlowers have violet-purple banner petals and wings, and the keel is yellow. They are borne on a raceme.
Fruitdark seed pods that rattle in the wind
Leavesbluish green, trifoliate clover-like foliage
RootsDeep-rooted, small nodules on the roots house beneficial bacteria, they turn atmospheric nitrogen into a usable form for the plants. Prefers not to be moved once established.
DimensionsPlants in my garden are 3-4 by 3-4 plus feet. Shrubby-like growth habit.
MaintenanceForms a deep tap root, difficult to move once established
PropagationU.S. Plant Patent PP19,011 was issued on July 8, 2008, cuttings
Cultivar OriginBaptisia × variicolor resulted from a controlled F1 cross performed in 1998 in Glencoe, Illinois, between blue-flowered Baptisia australis (female parent) and yellow-flowered Baptisia sphaerocarpa (male parent). Introduced by Jim Ault of the Chicago Botanic Garden
Author's NotesAs of 2023, I have grown this plant for 17 years, and the plants are still growing strong.
Notes & Reference#144-Missouri Botanical Gardens website (, #274-Site Authors' observations and growing experiences
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