Family: Campanulaceae

Scientific Name: Campanula punctata Silver Bells

Common Name: Silver Bells Campanula, Silver Bells Spotted Campanula

DescriptionPendulous bell shaped flowers cover this plant during bloom time.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Perennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone4-6
Moistureaverage, moist, doesn't like dry
Soil & Siteaverage, moist
Flowersnodding, tubular bell shaped flower, silvery to silvery pink
Leavesforms a basal rosette, rounded, toothed, medium green
Dimensions14 inches tall, space 18 inches, spreading by rhizomes
Maintenancein good moist soil this plant will rapidly conquer space in your garden, dead head, remove entire flower when complete bu cutting back to the basal rosette of leaves
Propagationeasy by division
Native SiteSpecies native to Japan growing on grassy mountain slopes.
Notes & Reference#123-Dwarf Campanula (Graham Nicholls)
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