A common occurring plant found in the lawn and wild. The coveted four-leaf clover is found in this species.
Plant Type
All Plants, Wild Flowers
Hardiness Zone
White Clover seems to thrive in the dry conditions. During dry times of the summer this plant seems to be green and flowering, while the rest of the plants are stressed by heat and lack of moisture.
Soil & Site
average to dry
clusters of small white colored flowers, form a rounded head, occur on a single stalk
3 lobed compound leaf (trifolium), finely toothed with V-shaped white marking,
Roots have nodules in which rhizobia bacteria live. These bacteria take nitrogen out of the air and store it in the roots. After the plant dies the nitrogen is added to the soil. Widely used as a green manure crop and spreads by rhizomes.
seeds needed to be inoculated
Native Site
Northwestern Europe
Misc Facts
The word clover comes from "clava", meaning three-pronged club used by Hercules. This represents the club suit in a deck of cards.
Notes & Reference
#14-Hedge maids and Fairy Candles (Jack Sanders), #19-Common Weeds ( USDA Agricultural Research Service), #41-Wildflowers of Wisconsin (Stan Tekiela)