Little Joe reaches about 3 feet, considerably shorter than many other cultivars. Likes moist wet areas.
Plant Type
All Plants, Perennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone
full sun, mostly sunny, some shade
Tolerates average but prefers moist conditions. The plants I grow need additional water during dry spells or the top parts of the plant will wilt. The hotter and the more sun the more moisture that is needed.
Soil & Site
average, most, wet
rose pink, mauve purple flowers, a complex of 5-7 small flowers make up a flower head, while 5 or more flower heads make up a compound inflorescence, very fluffy and cloud like in appearance
green lance-shaped leaves, coarsely serrated, rugose
purple spots
to 3-4 feet, space 1-2 feet on center, up right growing
Need a good lopping shears to remove the stout stems in the fall.
patented, division
Native Site
Little Joe is from a little known genus of dwarf plants native to Maine to South Carolina.
Cultivar Origin
Discovered by Steve Lighty at the Conard Pyle Nursery in Pennsylvania, USA
Misc Facts
Eupatorium from the Greek name Mithridates Eupator, King of Pontus about 115BC who is said to have discovered an antidote to a commonly used poison in one of the species. The name Joe pye came from a Indian medicine Man. Fluffy seed heads provide nest building material for birds. Attracts Bees, Butterflies and many insects.
Author's Notes
I have watched this plant grow in a perennial border for a few years. It definitely stays smaller and more compact than many other cultivars. The key to keeping Eupatorium looking good is the proper amount of moisture.