Family: Lamiaceae

Scientific Name: Ajuga genevensis

Common Name: Ajuga genevensis, Blue Bugleweed

DescriptionA non aggressive Ajuga with gentian blue flower spikes.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Groundcovers and vines
Hardiness Zone(3)4-9
Sunlightfull, mostly sunny, shaded
Moistureaverage, needs more water in full hot dry sun
Soil & Siteaverage
Flowersspikes of gentian blue flowers
Leavesclumping, not an aggressive spreader, green leaves at base
Dimensionsfoliage 2-3 inches tall, 6 plus inches tall with flowers, spread 1-2 feet
Propagationeasy by division, rooting plantlets
Author's NotesThis has some of the bluest flowers I have seen on Ajuga.
Notes & Reference#04-Herbaceous Perennial Plants (Allan Armitage), #68-Groundcovers for the Midwest (Voight, Hamilton, Giles)
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