The green color found in the flower makes this a unique Cone Flower cultivars.
Plant Type
All Plants, Perennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone
best in full, mostly sunny, light shade
average, tolerates drier conditions once established
Soil & Site
average, tolerates drier conditions once established, dislikes wet winter soils
dark cone with a green center, petals (ray flowers) pink toward the cone, changing to lime-green toward the tip, the amount of green varies with the age of the flower, the younger flowers seem to have more green and it changes to the normal purple color of the cone flowers
achenes in the dried center disk
coarse, most at base of plant, some on stem but smaller
stout with short bristly hairs
30-36 inches tall, 18-24 inch spread, plant 18 inches on center, upright
may reseed in the garden, many times reseeded plants will not be the same as parents, cut back stout stem in fall or leave for winter interest
seeds (many not come true from seeds), division
Cultivar Origin
Discovered by gardener Mark Veeder.
Misc Facts
Echinacea from the Greek term for hedgehog, referring to the spiky appearance of the flower head.
Author's Notes
This plant is a real chameleon. Changing colors as it matures. Could be called a "weird but lovable" plant.