Family: Dryopteridaceae

Scientific Name: Dryopteris marginalis

Common Name: Leather Wood Fern, Marginal Wood Fern, Marginal Shield Fern

DescriptionA sturdy upright fern for moist shady conditions.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Ferns - Hardy
Hardiness Zone3-8
Sunlightpart shade, shade
Moistureaverage, moist, avoid dry
Soil & Sitehumus rich, rocky, moist, Found in woods and rocky slopes.
Temperaturesensitive of heat
FlowersFerns do not produce flowers. They were around prior to the evolution of the flowering plants (angiosperms).
Leavesfrond: green, leathery, twice-pinnate
Stemsrhizome, broad, densely covered with light brown scales, slow to grow
Dimensions1.5-2.5 foot long fronds, erect arching , evergreen
Propagationdivision, spores
Misc FactsThe name marginal comes form the fact that the sori are found near the margins of the pinnules. The genus name Dryopteris (Greek) means "oak-fern". The fern is found many times growing in Oak forests. The species name felis-mas means male fern, probably because of its vigorous growth. For centuries an extract of this fern was used to control tapeworms. The chemicals filicin and filmarone found in the oil are toxic to the worms. Epithet means margined in reference to the marginal sori.
Notes & Reference#80-A Field Guide to Ferns (Boughton Cobb), #90-Ferns for American Gardens (John T Mickel)
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