Family: Campanulaceae

Scientific Name: Platycodon grandiflorus Sentimental Blue

Common Name: Sentimental Blue Balloon Flower

DescriptionA lower growing Balloon flower with purple-blue flowers. Rated 4 out of 4 by the Chicago Botanic Gardens plant evaluation trials.
Pronunciation(plat-ee-KO-don) (gran-dih-FLOR-us)
Plant TypeAll Plants, Perennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone4-9
Sunlightprefers full sun, tolerates some shade
Soil & Siteaverage, well drained
Temperatureeasily nipped by frost
Flowersbefore opening the buds swell resembling an inflated balloon, purple-blue, 3 inch, broadly campanulated shape, 5 petals, starts blooming early July
Leavesgray-green leaves, yellow fall color,
Stemserect floppy stems, bleed a milky sap when cut
Rootsroots are light colored, deep, thick and brittle
Dimensions8 inches tall
Maintenancemark plant in fall because it emerges very late (early May) in the spring, may need staking
Propagationseeds, dig a large clump when transplanting to avoid breaking the roots
Native SiteJapan and China
Author's NotesMake sure the plants spot is marked in the fall. It is one of the slowest of the perennials to emerge so they are easily damaged from early spring weeding.
Notes & Reference#04-Herbaceous Perennial Plants (Allan Armitage), #40-Herbaceous Ornamental Plants (Steven Stills), #30-Gardening with Perennials Month by Month (Joseph Hudak), Chicago Botanical Gardens Plant Evaluation Notes
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