Family: Hydrangeaceae

Scientific Name: Hydrangea arborescens Incrediball

Common Name: Incrediball Hydrangea

DescriptionReported to be an improvement over Annibella with larger mophead of flowers and stronger stems. If you have ever grown Hydrangea Annibella (hasn't everyone) you have witnessed the bending of the stems from the weight of the flowers especially after a rain.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Shrubs Deciduous
Hardiness Zone5-9
Sunlightprefers partial, grows nicely in full sun. Will survive in varying amounts of shade but the more shade the less the flower production.
Moistureaverage, maybe some additional moisture during dry spells
Soil & Siteaverage
Flowerslarge white globular flower heads (mopheads), over 8 inches in diameter; go from green to white to pink to winter brown. Make nice dried flowers. Blooms in July.
Leaveslarge leaves, opposite, dark green and coarse.
Stemstwiggy, brown
Rootssuckering from the roots
Dimensions3-5 feet by 3-5 feet, can form a large colony, suckering from the roots, space 4-5 feet on center
Maintenancecut flush with the ground in the late fall or early spring
Propagationdivision, cuttings
Notes & Reference#01-Manual of Woody Landscape Plants (Michael Dirr), #85-Hydrangeas for American Gardens (Michael Dirr), #135-Hydranges "A Gardner's Guide"(Tonis Lawson Hall, Brian Rothera)
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