Family: Solanaceae

Common Name: Easy Wave Petunias


East Wave Petunia is an improvement over the original Wave Petunia. Can be used as a ground cover in pots or hanging baskets.

Plant TypeAnnuals, Site author's observations
Hardiness Zone10-11
Sunlightfull, have day
Soil & Siteaverage
TemperatureWill tolerate cooler temperatures and last late into the fall. If properly harden they can be planted in early to mid-May in Zone #5. With a little protection I have had Petunia's in bloom on Turkey Day. Hardened Petunias can be plant in early May (zone #5). I use to grow Petunias and put them into a cold frame middle to late April. They survived and grew very compact.
Flowerstrumpet shaped, at least a dozen different colors
Leavesalternate and covered with a viscid pubescence, making them sticky when pinched
Dimensions6-10 inches tall, 36 inch spread
Maintenancedead heading, pruning to maintain shape, can be cut back hard and will quickly regrow
Native SiteSouth America
Author's NotesI have grown various Easy Wave Petunia and they are fast growing. Give the pots a shake to loosen some of the dying leaves and give it a clean look
Notes & Reference#28-Cottage Garden Annuals (Clive Lane) , #40-Herbaceous Ornamental Plants (Steven Stills) , #51-Armitage's Manual of Annuals, Biennials, and Half-Hardy Perennials (Alan Arimitage)
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