Description | Parker's Variety Yarrow (Achillea filipendulina) is a taller plant with green to grayish green foliage and flat umbels of yellow flowers. |
Pronunciation | (ak-i-LEE-ah)(fil-i-pen-due-LI-na) |
Plant Type | Perennials Hardy |
Hardiness Zone | 3-9 |
Sunlight | full |
Moisture | normal to dry, never wet |
Soil & Site | normal to dry, not rich |
Flowers | Yellow, flat-topped inflorescence (corymbs), easily dried, blooms from mid-June through July cut flower or dried flowers |
Leaves | green to grayish green, deeply cut and feathery. |
Stems | fiborus |
Dimensions | 3'-4' tall by over 24" spread, space 18-30" on center, upright |
Maintenance | may require staking, cut back after bloom period |
Propagation | division, seeds, cuttings |
Native Site | Caucasus |
Author's Notes | I have grown many different varieties of Achillea. There seems to be a few secrets to successfully growing them. Avoid rich, moist, poorly drained soils and plant in a full sun site. |
Notes & Reference | #04-Herbaceous Perennial Plants (Allan Armitage), #40-Herbaceous Ornamental Plants (Steven Stills), #274-Site Authors' observations and growing experiences |