Family: Cistaceae

Scientific Name: Hudsonia tomentosa var tomentosa

Common Name: Hudsonia, Golden Heather, Poverty Grass, Beach Heath

DescriptionA native shrub found growing on sand dunes.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Shrubs Deciduous
Hardiness Zone5
Soil & Siteaverage, sand
Flowersyellow, remain open only in the morning
Fruitdry and splits open when ripe
Leavesevergreen, pressed on the stem, covered with hair, giving the grayish cast
Stemsspreads over the sand by rooting branches
Dimensionsever expanding
Misc FactsNamed for William Houston, early English botanist.
Author's NotesI have seen large plants growing on the sandy shores of Lake Superior. It looks a lot like Juniper, and at first that is what I thought it was. Until closer observations and a bit of keying out, I found I was in correct.
Notes & Reference#218-Flora of Wisconsin (, #191-Minnesota Wild Flowers (
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